....Woke up by 2.30am, 30 mins later it was still 2.30 am, 5hrs lata........... yeepa, battery ti' ku :)
....Prayed for oluwadee, nikisab, f f f, toria(my padi) n every oda person getting married dis year; as for u (singles) this year no go pass una .......... I say dis year no go pass una *Amii*
....Spent less than ## mins in the bathroom (norrin do me)
....Noticed my tummy's becoming too flat (sneezes), sum bori Help!!!!
....PHCN flashed us light after several weeks of black out; Up Nepa!!!!
....Burnt my thigh while ironing, see pix here *giggles uncontrollably*
....Over heard my neighbour (next building) kpokpoing her husband; (chai!!)
....Paid N300 to Ajah instead of N200; *hiss* i been wan claim staff but i nor see fine boi agbero *grins*
....Spent 2hrs on the 3rd mainland bridge, it was awful; wished I had boarded Lg canoe services
....Listened to ‘E go betta’ by Tony tetuila on wazobia; brought tears to my eyes
....Sat besides a woman breast feeding her child (see as she just xpose her kini) con'dor wan’ look die :)
....Saw an agadi e’kwenka/old mama youngi wearing ‘show me ya breast/nyash’ rabbish!! if dem get chance, i sure say dem go wear skinny jeans *hiss*
....Wondered how many people know their purpose on earth
....Noticed a gala hawker praying by d road side; (u don pray 2day?)
....Imagined wat Lagos wld look like without poverty, child abuse and CRIME...one minute silence for the victims of the oceanic bank robbery at orile
....Saw a group of men being arrested by KAI, their offence??? Trekking on the 3rd mainland bridge; (but why we no dey hear word????) *hiss*
....Watched a naval officer kick the butt of a danfo driver; dos drivers ...
....Wondered how fashola is going to rehabilitate Lagos area boiz.
....Saw a pool of blood on the road side, close to my office n wondered if it belonged to an okada man or an okada man (they r very reckless)
....Saw Mtn’s latest tv ad, luurve it esp when 'dayo' (my celeb son) whistled
....Saw Mariam anazodo after a lonnnnnnng time; she looked gud
....Read, Senator Uche chukwumerije has petitioned the world taekwando federation over the poor officiating in the tournament in the just concluded beijin olympics where uche(his son) won a bronze medal for 9geria. He alleges racism (ok na!!)
....Read, the federal road safety corps have mandated ALL okada riders n their passengers to wear helmet/headgear beginning 4rm 2009 (abegii, i go buy my own helmet; i no wan contract kpof-kpof) lolllll
....Read, Obama escaped an assasination attempt; (na waoooooooo!!)
....Read Ndi onyuike okereke (obama gate) might not lose her job afterall;
....Wondered how a man can invest 500 million in a church; (kini big deal??)
....Decided to let go n let God; It is well!!!
....Called seyi to book an appointment for Saturday :)
....Thought of the perfect pressie to give prisco and mizchif on their baffday(s) apart 4rm my prayers *winks*
....Wondered wat happened to Naijachickito, Duchess, Onome, Naija fine gurl, simple gal, In my own words, l'amour, minky, nogo, Sherri,Ynot, ibo-dude, boldfaze, doja, darkelcee, TLK and odas???
....Imagined how many bloggers I had unknowingly walked passed in tejuosho, opps!!! i meant shoprite, :)
....know the Ist blogger to comment on dis post; it’s the one n only......... lollllllll
....Have a blessed day xoxoxoxo
PS: a big shout out to my peeps (Dee, prisco, f f f, nikisab, aphrodite, chi-grace, mizchif, ynot, ibo -dude, chioma-mom, dbalone, aijay, tobenna n odas)
Ibo kwenu!! Happy Biafra-day Celebration!! Nautin me'ga :)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dis morning......
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Our first 'Silver' medal since the Beijin olympic began, sum bori shout Halle............... (wide grin)
C’mon guys, cheer up!!!!!! The samson siasia led 'dream team' deserves commendation and nothing else (who dey murmur for there????) :)
'Chari i hope, you no bet wit anybody o', lolllll Aloofaa wat abt u??
I spent the first 45mins sleeping, Oops!! :) more like consulting and the oracle revealed to me (yes me) dat we ll be going home with a Silver made 4rm gold plates (sic) so make una take am easy o, the boyz played their heart out. Remember ' it was still these ‘ojoro-loving’, ‘jersey-pulling’ 'time-wasting' argentines dat trashed almigh’ry brazil 3 naughts!! (grins)
Yesso today shld be a good day for ALL Nigerians esp for dos in the world of sports cos we went, we saw and we …………. :)
London 2012 is another opportunity for us to prove oursef, so preparation shld begin NOW!! (i hope NNF is reading)
But even as i listen to the boys shouting, ‘they robbed us again!!' outside my window, I cldnt help but ask myself 2 questions:
* Wat happens to the team now esp Samson siasia????
* Wld mikel have made any difference in the team???? *sighs* E go better jare,
On a lighter note; Did u guys hear about the four Horses that failed the dope test in the show jumping competition, *grins* they were suspended after testing positive to the banned substance capsaicin but nawa for this oyinbo people o, thank God our own scoin-scoin neva reach dat level, lollll
Later guys, I've got a date with ‘Merci’ after all' the book of knowledge commands us to celebrate wit those celebrating *winks*
Have a fun-filled w’end,
Norrin do us!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
9ja... dis na 9ja...
9ja.... i dey gbadu 9ja oo....( x3)
4 big gbosas!! 4 the 'dream team' jare, gbosa! gbosa!! gbosa!!! gbosa!!!!
9ja, we too 'mush' (now repeat after me) we too 'mush' *grins*
but seriously, i owe dos bois plenty shepe o!! esp nsofor, anichebe, obasi, van zekin, obinna n my osaze, ohhh osaazz, see ya eye, ya ear, ya teeth, ya leg, ya ...... n ya....... (sb tweaks Lg ) *lol*
yesso!!! we proved it today n ll do so again come saturday at the finals.
(i just hope 'lionel merci' contracts jedi-jedi friday nite sha) *evil grin*
Haba!!! E nor easy o!!, since Olumpic (according to our mallam) start, 9ja neva win (not even 1/2 ) Gold medal, a whole giant of africa, the bois kno Lg wont have dat else, they' be 4gotten in china, *lol*
but sum 9gerians are funny o, everybodi wan represent; after d match i started hailing everybodi in the office, *up 9ja! we trashed 'em*; i come carry my kurukere leg go meet our GM (gate man),
' baba, 9ja too mush o, shebi u watch d match?' i asked, and he replied,
'sisi mi, why not, i watching it na, see all the goals wey papilo score?? dat boyz sabi play o' in my head "huh??? 4 where baba see kanu??? was it 4rm his kchibo radio???", lolllllllll
Norrin do us sha!!! WE WON!! :)
Now, abt how i got my face-lift;
I went to see my sistah (a friend actually), after chilin with her n her daughter(very cute gal) She told me she was looking for a house-help n wants to enlist the help of an agency, but the only problem was dat, she doesnt kno if she shld ask for a male or female help, she asked for my opinion n i began to sing 'palava u dey find, palava u go get it oooo'
(in other words, 4get it) shocked, she asked why? n i told her .....
*U wake up by 8am one morning (already late for wrk), runs into the bathroom, u r abt to hang ur towel, when u see Red (yes a red) shikili g-string hanging on the shower rack, knowing ...
(1) U dont own/wear one,
(2) Its just u, hubby, ur 2yrs old daughter and..... risi ur house-help
U madly walks (runs) to risi's room with d 'offensive garment'. U find her sleeping n shouts at her, 'Risi! Risi! c'mon wake, cant u hear me? get up!!', U hit her not too gently on d back, 'My friend c'mon wake up', she opens her eyes and non nonchalantly looks at u, this infuriates u more n u scream at her "who is the owner of this..... this thing!!, i saw hanging in the bathroom..... my bathroom!!????
Risi looks at the g-string, takes it 4rm u n examines it (she nearly smell am sef) then loudly exclaim, shaking her head. 'Madam no be my own, i nor kno who get am, even sef u fit ask oga, him kno say i nor dey wear pant!! ( hehehehe Ebenebe!!! na LG get am *hiss*)
*U r bathing ur daughter on sunday morning, whilst playing n asking her questions abt her friends/teachers in school, u finish washing her 'kini' but just to be sure there r no poop hiding hiding *grins* u begin to probe with ur fingers, When suddenly ur daughter exclaims, 'oohhhh Mommy!!!! you are doing what uncle-okon (house help) use to do to me........ skip!!!
Eyin temi, i neva even finish d tory before my friend give me 'Gbaun!!'
una see me see wahala??, abi nor be she ask for my opinion?????? *sigh*
Newayz, make una choose for her, male or female house-keeper????
My face neva recover
This is to inform the blog ville that LG will only update if the U23 'dream team' of 9geria beats the Belgian's 'red devils' today at the semi-final soccer event in the on-going Beijing 2008 Olympics.
The match starts by
Thanks for your co-operation
PS: All d soccer praya warriors in the house, take note.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wat abt these guys....

Una still dey laff???? *looks around for koboko*
K'mon go down on
Have a super weekend.
Friday, August 8, 2008
TGIF : Love o' Love
Hi guys, hope u r all doing fabulously well. Like we all know today is an unusual day because
Also the Beijing Olympic starts today in China, n we are hoping dat our own U23 *The Dream Team* ll do us proud (like in 1996) and bring home the Cup, i also hope the god of Samson Siasia is reading this, if not i ll personally sack him b4 NFA sorry NFF does *winks*
But dis love matter done show me pepper o, i remember doing lots of nansense all in the name of love, one time like dat, i sent my one of my friend to PH to beg my bobo, (nor be say him catch me o, tufiakwa!!) i just felt he wasnt paying me much attention unlike b4 (sucks right? i kno) na so i gather all my money, send my namesake to PH (thank God sef say na ifesinachi she enter) she see the bobo n d bolo begin to yarn nansense abt me, he said i too love LOVE, now guys when did that become a crime???? to cut the long story short (cos some pple eye wan bulge comot) *grins* I fash'ied him.
A man was complaining to a friend: 'I had it all - money!!, a beautiful house, a big car, the love of a beautiful woman; then Pow!! it was all gone!' 'What happened?' asked the friend 'My wife found out.....'
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
My Hairdresser 2 (THE REVELATION)
Hehehehehehe see dem, see how dem dey rush to come know how seyi take break bottle my head, i even sure say some people neva baff sef, pple like ...... erm make i mention names?? una kno una sef jare, *grins* neways back to d 'koko', I went to seyi's salon n we talked, deep talk but sorry to dissapoint u guys, seyi no slap me! neither dis she insult me! so make una swallow una laff; Afro and Mz dee i said stop laffing...
*clears throat* So dat sunday afternoon, i went to seyi's salon to make my hair, fortunately for me i was the only client so i had her to mysef i.e if her 4one doesnt ring; We had chosen a style and seyi was halfway done, when a guy walked in, 'in my head' Oh no! after all my fasting n prayas (i kid) luckily the guy just came to buy airtime, but to go kwanu! 4 where??, he just dey there dey play wit d 4one, (dis guy runs don enta voicemail, lia lia seyi is not going anywhere) as i dey plan how i go 'spoil him runs, bobo begin make calls (still inside), at a point, i noticed seyi stopped weaving, i ask her wats was wrong, she said nothing then continued but as soon as d bobo finished his call, thanked seyi n left, she just leave my hair, begin to clap hand (dat kind 'dis life nawa' kind of clap) and she told me dat .....
the bobo dat just left was on the 4one with his married lover in bayelsa, i asked her how how she knew and she said she understood the guy's dialect n dat the bobo was asking the babe about his son. from his conversation (according to seyi ), it seems the babe (newly wedded) put to bed last month or so and her bouncing baby boy is a dead ringer of bobo, now bobo wants to know if its 'safe' for him to come and visit.
at dis point i just dey look seyi like dopemu, which kind deception be dis??? Bobo knew Babe was married yet he went ahead to do it with her (who know how many times sef) resulting in Bobo junior, now he's afraid to go n visit (as a well-wisher) for the fear dat Hubby might notice d resemblance; But 4 how long?? While seyi was blaming the bobo, i was blaming the babe (why she open
BTW: Guys, guess the no.1 song in my neighbourhood ....
When the going is smooth and good, many many people.....
Who remembers it??? Rocked it??? n still has it???